Personal Accidents are a reality and so I made the decision and chose to stay safe.
Buying JGI Travel Insurance before our trip was the best decision I ever made.
JGI Home Care Insurance assures me protection and peace of mind.
Get to know about Jubilee General Insurance.
Jubilee General is one of the highest rated general insurance company in Pakistan
with an Insurer Financial Strength Rating of “AA +” with “Stable Outlook”
assigned by both the rating agencies of Pakistan i-e JCR-VIS and PACRA. The
“AA+” with “stable outlook” takes into account financial strength of the Company
as demonstrated by its strong capitalization and liquidity indicators. It also
denotes a very strong capacity of the Company to meet policyholder and contract
AM Best has awarded Jubilee General Insurance a Financial Strength Rating of B
(Fair) and a long-term Issuer Credit Rating of bb+ (Fair), marking the highest
ratings for any insurance company in Pakistan.