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For the first time in Pakistan, Jubilee General Insurance introduces “ParentsCare” Insurance, which is one of its kind health insurance plan for masses who at the time of purchase fall within the age brackets 45 to 65 years (once covered, policy can be renewed yearly till age 70). ParentsCare can be purchased for one’s self, one’s spouse, parents and parents-in-law online. The plan has been designed putting ourselves into your shoes and going down to each detail to ensure the availability of comprehensive healthcare for you!

    • Provides Cashless benefits through our preferred providers
    • No Medical tests are required
    • Limited * cover for Pre-Existing Conditions ( PECs) from 1st year.
    • Enhancement* for PECs cover at consecutive renewals to a maximum of 50%.
    • Free look period of 14 days – option of canceling if not satisfied

‘*’ – Please refer to the Schedule for details.

  • Credit facility on 400+ hospitals all across Pakistan.
  • 24/7 medical hotline for coordinated care and facilitation through trained professionals.
  • Customized health card.
  • Savings with health insurance policy through discounts on outpatient services (pharmacies and labs) at selected outlets.
  • As a policyholder of Jubilee General’s Health Program, you can avail MediGuide's Medical Second Opinion.
  • As a policyholder of Jubilee General’s ParentsCare Insurance Program, you can avail unlimited audio or video consultations from a General Physician and from a Specialist Doctor, through Sehat Kahani’s mobile application / website.


Hospitalization limits are annual and Jubilee General is offering 5 plans as below:

Silver:           Rs. 200,000
Gold:            Rs. 300,000
Platinum:     Rs. 500,000
Titanium:     Rs. 700,000
Titanium Plus:     Rs. 1,000,000


PLANS: Silver Gold Platinum Titanium Titanium Plus
200,000 300,000 500,000 700,000 1,000,000
New Entry 45 - 50 Years 22,800 37,450 63,000 93,390 107,365
51 - 55 Years 28,060 40,260 69,360 99,800 114,635
56 - 60 Years 30,890 46,680 78,845 112,460 129,330
61 - 65 Years 34,560 50,760 89,540 132,960 152,760
Renewals Only 66 - 70 Years 38,110 52,830 100,450 160,020 183,300

Note: Above rates are inclusive FIF & Stamp duty but Excluding 4% advance tax for non filers.

Benefit Plans Silver Gold Platinum Titanium Titanium Plus
Benefit Details
Limit Per Person (annual) Hospital Expense Benefit – (Total Room Rent, Hospital/Surgical Expenses for a minimum 24 hours) Rs. 200,000 Rs. 300,000 Rs. 500,000 Rs. 700,000 Rs. 1,000,000
Room rent Semi Private Private Private Private Private
ICU / Operation Theatre charges Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual
Ambulance - per Hospitalization / per policy 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Pre Hospitalization 30 days 30 days 30 days 30 days 30 days
Post Hospitalization 30 days 30 days 30 days 30 days 30 days
Post Hospitalization - Nursing Care Benefit: PKR 20,000/Year The product also provides a nursing care benefit of PKR 20,000 in case of hospitalization due to paralysis, stroke or fracture and nursing care is advised by the attending physician. This benefit is payable once a year only
Day-Care Procedures & Specialized Investigations in outpatient setting including but not limited to: Dialysis, Cataract Surgery, MRI, CT Scan, Endoscopy, Thallium Scan, Angiography, and Treatment of Fracture. Emergency dental treatment due to accidental injuries within 48 hours (for pain relief only). Covered Covered Covered Covered Covered
Pre Existing Conditions & Congenital Anomalies Coverage 1 st year 10% of Annual Limit
2 nd year 20% of Annual
3 rd year 30% of Annual
4 th year & onward 50%
of Annual Limit
1 st year 10% of Annual Limit 2 nd year 20% of Annu
3 rd year 30% of Annual Limit
4 th year & onward 50%
of Annual Limit
1 st year 10% of Annual
2 nd year 20% of Annual
3 rd year 30% of Annual
4 th year & onward 50%
of Annual Limit
1 st year 10% of Annual Limit 2 nd year 20% of Annu
3 rd year 30% of Annual Limit
4 th year & onward 50%
of Annual Limit
1 st year 10% of Annual
2 nd year 20% of Annual
3 rd year 30% of Annual
4 th year & onward 50%
of Annual Limit
International Medical Second Opinion(MSO) Benefit :
International Medical Second opinion from Mediguide International from some of the best hospitals across the world.
Covered Covered Covered Covered Covered
Online Doctor Consultation*:
Online Audio/Video consultation through our Partner “Sehat Kahani”.
Covered Covered Covered Covered Covered

* Online Doctor Consultation is being provided by, owned, and operated by a third party “Sehat Kahani”, over which Jubilee General has no control, neither Jubilee assumes any liability arising due to the quality of service being provided by the third-party vendor.

  • Entry Age: Individuals - 45 - 65 (Once covered, policy can be renewed yearly till age 70). Switching of plans only at the renewal.
  • Waiting Period: 60 days
  • Premium: Will depend on the age (next birthday) of the insured.
  • Geographical Limitations: Pakistan Only
  • COVID -19 related covered expenses will be excluded for non-vaccinated individuals, over the age of 18

  • Benefits will not be available for Pre-existing Conditions beyond the extent mentioned in the schedule of benefits.
  • Will not cover any expenses occurring during the first 60 days of the inception of policy, except from accidental injuries. This waiting period does not apply for subsequent renewals without a break.
  • Non Panel Hospitalizations.
  • Cosmetic, aesthetic and related treatment.
  • Congenital anomalies beyond the extent mentioned in the schedule of benefits.
  • HIV-AIDS or any sexually transmitted disease.
  • Any fertility/impotence/ sterilization procedure or treatment.
  • Pregnancy related expenses and complications.
  • Psychiatric treatment.
  • War, invasion, civil commotion.
  • Cost of limbs/ prosthetics/ hearing aids / crutches /dentures.
  • Drug abuse / self-inflicted injuries.
  • Any outpatient expenses.
  • Others- Please refer to the policy document for complete set of exclusions
  • Non-Network hospitalization except in accidental emergencies.